In class, we were summarizing, annotating, and reflecting an article, “Education reduces blood pressure.” I didn’t know at all that if education is part ones life, than it benefits their health a lot. It is said in the article that the more education a person has in their life, the less health problems they are going to face in the future. The British Heart Foundation have done a study to prove this as a fact as well. Who knew education was that important.

After summarizing the article, we have to annotate by saying when was it published and how it was published and much more. The article was objective with backed up facts and proofs that were done in a form of study. It was written by the BBC News and the news is very recent itself.

If I were to research on if education is worth having, than this would be a great article. This shows every aspect of how the education is worth it if it reduces a person’s stress level. This article would be perfect when doing the research paper since it is recent, backed up with facts for the study, and shown to be proven fact. One good way to start a research if someone is doing their paper on if education is worth having.