Did I just hug a man who murdered my son?

In the story, this young man killed her son and was sentenced to prison for a second degree burn. After serving his time in prison, he was released and saw the deceased son’s mother shedding tears and breaking down. He ran over and helped her up after listening all the good things the mother had said to him. Today, they seem to be good friends and spend a lot of time together. For example, they live right next to each other. The mother hopes to spend all those memorable moments like marriage and college with him (man who killed her son). She is close to him.

“I just hugged the man who murdered my son.”-This story was really interesting to me. When I read the title of the story, I told myself that I had to listen to this insane story. After listening to the oral history story, I was completely surprised with shock. I thought to myself that this doesn’t really happen in our everyday life. If this had happened to me, I would be really mad and have that man hanged to death.

Oshea Israel and Mary Johnson did this oral history project. I believe the audience is towards the people and family members who’s son has deceased as in through murder. I think the purpose of this project is to let the other families and communities in the world know how it is like after forgiving someone that is really “your” enemy. I learned that oral history projects give you a lot of information on that topic. It tells you the information you need and want from the people themselves in their interview. “ACADEMIC DATA???” English?